Clip On Extensions in Beverly Hills
If you’re an individual that doesn’t like sticking to just one look and loves modifying your hairstyle now and then, why not trying the clip on extensions? They offer you the freedom and versatility to create various stylish and amazing looks in no time at all! They arrive in an assortment of distinct colors and lengths being amongst the very best choice we have for non-permanent hair pieces in Beverly Hills, CA.
Although clip in extensions is the most low-maintenance of them all, like all others they need to be taken care of to stay last longer. Here are a few tips from our experts at Bomane to help you maintain your extensions like a pro:
- Brush them but Don’t Rush Them: Although, brushing your clip in extensions is something you should do regularly, don’t go overboard with it as this can cause little damage and leave you with less than desirable extensions.
- Don’t over-wash them: Your own hair soaks up moisture from the scalp but clip-on extensions don’t so avoid over-washing them otherwise they will become dry which can cause unnecessary damage. Washing them four to six weeks is more than enough and in this case, we aren’t over exaggerating but less is more.
- Condition them like your life depends on it!: This is the most important step in the hair extension routine. It helps moisturize and replenishes the scalp for healthy and luscious hair.
- Air dry your hair: We know that blow-dryer looks heavenly right now but make that sacrifice and put it down. All that excessive heat can cause irreplaceable damage. If you don’t have time to air dry consider not washing them that day. And if you’re a person that doesn’t like that and give in to the blow dryer, well how about keep the heat to a minimum.
- Take care of them: Just like every other loved one in your life, hair extensions need care too. We know for people who don’t like organizing this might seem like a hard-task but trust us it will pay off in the long run. Store them in a box that fits in perfectly so they don’t become a tangled mess.
- Patience is key: We know after a tiring and long day of wearing them, pulling them out gives you the necessary relief but remember it isn’t the right thing to do. Patiently detangle them with a wide tooth comb so that you don’t end up damaging your hair.
So why rely on our experts at Bomane in Beverly Hills, CA?
Apart from just giving you insightful advice on longevity, they also know how to do a great job with clip-in extensions that are the ideal fit for you. They help give you a personalized style depending on your hair color and texture and are not satisfied until they get it right. Yes, they want it just as much as you do!
So kick it up a notch and get gorgeous hair extensions that are talked about for days to come (of course in the best way).
Have a sneak-peak at our clip on extension images.